Lotta Rantil has recently moved back to her home area of Blekinge, Sweden, after a few years in PA, USA and before that Stockholm, Sweden. This latest move gives further opportunities to be close to family and nature, which may also be reflected in the art works. Lotta works with a variety of fine art techniques with a foundation in the fiber arts.

Art practice
Her work is a interplay of evocative and ethereal elements that challenge the viewers domestic sensibilities. Lotta utilizes her art as a therapeutic tool, one that allows her to explore her feelings and often, reactions to the current political environment. Lotta explores the human condition with a thread and needle, canvas and paint, clay and ink.
Many of her artworks are a combination of mediums and techniques. Embroidery, printmaking and painting ebb and flow together to emerge as pieces that evoke feelings of home. Her works have a sense of longing: perhaps capturing a memory of family, trying to capture a feeling or a pivotal moment, a reckoning with difficult issues within our society.
text: Marguerite Paluch, Art Director, Pebble Hill Gallery
241108-241124 Galleri Lockl, Storgatan 57 Kalmar
Come closer (group show) Galleri Gatelj, Karlskrona, 2024
Ljusglimtar i mörkret (group show) Johannishus Gods, Blekinge, 2023
Winter Art Show (group show) New Hope Atelier, New Hope PA, 2019
Phoenix Rising (juried show) Phoenix Art, Doylestown PA, 2018
Lotta Rantil (solo show) Pebble Hill Gallery, Doylestown PA, 2018
Art walk (group show) Doylestown Hospital, PA, 2018
Salong Tensta (group show) Akalla Unispace, Stockholm, 2016
Opening event (group show) Akalla Unispace, Stockholm 2015
Sublimitet (group show) Linnes kammare, Uppsala, Sweden 2015
Spring show (group show) Idun Loven, Stockholm, Sweden 2015
Hall project (solo installation) Idun Loven, Stockholm, 2015
Tensta Museum (juried exhibition) Tensta konsthall, Stockholm, 2014
Västerbergs folkhögskola, Embroidery 2
Ceramics classes for Lisa Naples, Doylestown, PA
Västerbergs folkhögskola (community college), Embroidery 1
Idun Loven Art School, sculpture
Jakobsbergs folkhögskola (community college), Northern Art School
Uppsala University, Textile teacher education
Väddö folkhögskola (community college), Textile craft
Hellidens folkhögskola (community college), Graphic communication